Ensemble Konstellation, Ivana Pristašová
The young Ensemble Konstellation from the Tyrol Federal Music Conservatoire, conducted by Ivana Pristašová, specialises in the interpretation of contemporary chamber music for strings: from the classics of the 20th century to the music of our time. On this evening, the musicians travel with us through musical times and worlds accompanied by works such as: Xenaki’s Aroura (Erde, 1971), Schnebel’s Stücke für Streicher (1954/5, Versuch II), Schnittke’s satirical composition Moz-Art à la Haydn, Vivier’s Zipangu (The name of Japan at the time of Napoleon, 1980) and Krauze’s Aus aller Welt stammende (1975). Ivana Pristašová, who has taught at the Innsbruck Conservatoire for many years, is one of Europe’s most vibrant violinists of new music. We have already been able to admire her great artistry together with her trio partners twice at the TYROL EASTER FESTIVAL.
Ensemble Konstellation
Director: Ivana Pristašová