Celebrate New Year’s Eve in silence Boreas Quartett Bremen
from the Renaissance into the 21st century
[…] the wind-musique […] is so sweet that it ravished me,
and indeed, in a word, did wrap up my soul […]
so that neither then, nor all the evening going home,
I was able to think of any thing […]
Samuel Pepys
In his diary Samuel Pepys describes the performance of a consort around 1670. What could be more delightful than immersing oneself in the rich, full sound of consort music with the four recorder players of the Boreas Quartett Bremen, to venture into the late Baroque with arrangements, and enjoy the music of the 20th and 21st centuries? It is hard to believe that the works blend together so well that in some cases only the composers’ dates of birth and death allow the century to be identified. The concert will include canzones by Byrd and Merula, concertos by Bach and Vivaldi, and pieces by Caldini and Pärt, played on a wide variety of recorders from the twelve-piece Renaissance consort to the Paetzold bass recorders developed for new music.
Bringing the old year to a quiet close with our audience and looking forward to the new one in joyful anticipation is a fine tradition, to which we invite ensembles that are still unknown here.
Boreas Quartett Bremen
Jin-Ju Beak, Luise Manske, Julia Fritz, Elisabeth Champollion – flutes